21th Edition
(345 teaching hours)
Language of instruction
Special conditions on payment of enrolment fee and 0,7% campaign
Registration open until the beginning of the course or until end of vacancies.
Start date
Classes start: 01/10/2024
Classes end: 22/10/2025
Programme ends : 21/11/2025
Monday: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Tuesday: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Thursday: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Taught at
Tech Talent Center
C/ de Badajoz, 73-77
video game industry strengthens its position as one of the Spanish economy's engines of growth, offering a wide array of opportunities for all companies and participating in job creation. According to data published in the 2023 White Paper on Spanish Video Game Development, estimates suggest that Spanish companies working in this area had a turnover of 1,383 million euros in 2022, an increase of 8% compared to 2021. Of this turnover, 51% corresponds to Catalonia. Looking ahead, aggregate growth for the period 2022-26 is estimated at 8%, which would bring the sector's turnover in Spain to 1,880 million.
There are currently 790 active studios in Spain. Catalonia accounts for 30% of the active studios, followed by Madrid, with 21%, and Andalusia, with 14%.
This means that as a sector, it has high potential for employment. The fact that 83% of employees have completed some form of higher education must be considered. The video game development and production industry requires its professionals to be highly skilled, and as such high-quality training and constant adaptation to the industry’s needs are essential.
Therefore, the UPC School presents a solid and consolidated training offer both in
video game programming and in art and animation. It consists of the
Master in Advanced Programming for AAA Video Games, aimed at programmers interested in creating video games of any complexity, genre and platform, and the
Master in Animation & Digital Arts for AAA Video Games, which is for designers, animators and technical artists who will acquire the ability to develop the entire artistic process of creating a video game.
The link between this training and the business world is fundamental and essential. More than 50 companies have participated in the master's degrees, offering master sessions and conferences to enrolled students, through which they transmit their knowledge and bring them closer to the reality of the sector.
Furthermore, this master's degree is held in an international environment, not just because it is taught in English, but because of the origin of its students. Programmers and artists of different nationalities coexist.
In addition, it must be emphasized the teaching staff, that is formed by professionals of the sector with an experience of more than fifteen years and the high level of employment, as well as the opportunity to carry out internships within the collaborating companies. As a result of all this methodology and of an essentially professional nature, Social Point's participation is added through its sponsorship to the
Three Headed Monkey Awards.
Project gallery
At the end of the programme, the participants will be able to individually implement any video game from scratch in C++. They will understand and implement all aspects of a video game: technology, graphic programming, animation systems, artificial intelligence, gameplay systems, physics, etc.
They will produce their own 3D video game engine in groups, the tool to work with it, as well as an ambitious project in large teams, and learn to successfully carry out all the management that this entails.
Aimed at programmers interested in the creation of video games of any kind, complexity and platform.
Graduates in Computer Science or Engineering, professionals with programming knowledge that show interest in the video game industry.