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Start   >  Master's & postgraduate courses  >  Education  >  Postgraduate course in Cybersecurity Planning and Management
Information session


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This postgraduate course is also part of the training track for the continuing education master's degree in Cybersecurity Management.


13th Edition
27 ECTS (162 teaching hours)
Blended learning
Language of instruction
Special conditions on payment of enrolment fee and 0,7% campaign
Registration open until the beginning of the course or until end of vacancies.
Start date
Classes start: 25/03/2025
Classes end: 02/10/2025
Programme ends : 14/10/2025
Monday: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Tuesday: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Thursday: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Taught at
Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB)
C/ Jordi Girona, 1-3
Why this postgraduate course?
The identification, auditing and appropriate management of assets enables entities to minimize the risks related to possible cyberattacks.

A Burning Glass study concludes that the demand for information security professionals has increased 3.5 times faster than other IT professions, and 12 times faster than other professions.

Students who complete the postgraduate course in Cybersecurity Planning and Management will be able to plan, implement and manage of a company's security processes, in order to minimize risks and establish contingency policies in case of incidents.

The postgraduate course has an outstanding teaching team, with an excellent combination of practical professional experience and innovation, in the field of technology security from a technical perspective, as well as in the legal and policing field. We will also have contributions from internationally renowned speakers, who will tell us about their vision of the sector in the present and the future.

Promoted by:
  • Identify an institution's critical assets and determine the measures required to protect them.
  • Manage an institution's digital security, establishing the appropriate methodologies, designing an architecture based on its needs as a business, and minimizing the risks to which the different assets may be exposed.
  • Use the tools and protocols necessary to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.
  • Identify the cybersecurity compliance needs of the organization and deploy the programs and plans to implement the management systems that provide the guarantees required by the market, and also by the administration.
Who is it for?
  • Computer or Telecommunications Engineering Graduates.
  • Engineers and scientific-technical graduates interested in obtaining an internationally recognized qualification demonstrating their knowledge of computer security and their ability to protect their installations from cyberattacks.
  • Computer systems administrators.
  • Members of the national security forces and bodies.
  • Consultants for computer security companies.
  • Consultants in security incident response teams.
  • Critical infrastructure technicians.
  • IT directors and managers.
  • Lawyers and criminologists wishing to specialise in computer crimes.
  • Professionals from related disciplines who require in-depth knowledge or specialization in cybersecurity to carry out their work activities.

Training Content

List of subjects
2 ECTS 15h
Blockchain and Authentication
  • Symmetric or secret key cryptography I.
  • Asymmetric or public-key cryptography. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
  • Security protocols.
  • Blockchain Distributed Ledger Technology.
  • Trust and digital identity services.
  • Federated identities.
1 ECTS 9h
Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC)
  • SSDLC methodology.
  • Security principles and design requirements.
  • Definition and planning of the test program (link with attack methods).
  • Automation of integration tests and the transition to CI/CD production.
3 ECTS 27h
  • Compliance framework I and II.
  • Security policy and standards.
  • Management systems.
  • Privacy and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) I and II.
  • National Security Framework.
2 ECTS 12h
Security Governance
  • Cybersecurity governance frameworks and models.
  • Strategic management of cybersecurity.
  • Optimisation of resources, obtaining benefits and reporting.
  • Cloud computing governance model.
3 ECTS 21h
Risk Analysis and Cyber Resilience
  • Cyber resilience.
  • Information security and privacy standards.
  • Analysis and management of risks and their methodologies.
  • Organisation of information security.
  • Security aspects of business continuity.
  • Cybercrime.
3 ECTS 18h
Design, Development and Implementation
  • Security architecture.
  • Control design (physical and logical).
  • Role management.
  • Network architecture.
  • Cloud controls and exposed services.
  • SAP architectures.
4 ECTS 30h
Information Systems Audit
  • Information systems audit process.
  • IT governance and management.
  • Acquisition, development and implementation of information systems.
  • Information systems operations and business resilience.
  • Protection of information assets.

2 ECTS 12h
Cybercrisis Management
  • Fundamentals of crisis management and complex crisis management systems and tools.
  • Cyber crisis management in public administration.
  • Cybercrisis management in the company.
1 ECTS 6h
Cybersecurity Trends II
  • Cybersecurity conferences.
6 ECTS 12h
Proyecto Final de Postgrado
  • Final project tutored by a project's director expert in the field.
The UPC School reserves the right to modify the contents of the programme, which may vary in order to better accommodate the course objectives.
Postgraduate qualification in Cybersecurity Planning and Management, issued by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Issued by virtue of the provisions of art. 7.1 of Organic Law 2/2023 of 22 March, concerning the University System, and art. 36 of Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September, which establishes the organisation of university education and the procedure for ensuring its quality. A prior official university qualification is necessary to obtain it. Otherwise, the student will receive a certificate of completion of the programme issued by the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya. Lifelong learning studies at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya are approved by the University's Governing Council on an annual basis. (See details appearing on the certificate).
Range of modules
This postgraduate course is part of the training track for the continuing education master's degree in Cybersecurity Management .
The continuing education master's degree programme is organized into the following modules. If you don't wish to take the entire continuing education master's degree you can sign on one or several modules.
Continuing education master's degree:
relation Postgraduate courses:

Learning methodology

The teaching methodology of the programme facilitates the student's learning and the achievement of the necessary competences.

Learning tools
Participatory lectures
A presentation of the conceptual foundations of the content to be taught, promoting interaction with the students to guide them in their learning of the different contents and the development of the established competences.
Practical classroom sessions
Knowledge is applied to a real or hypothetical environment, where specific aspects are identified and worked on to facilitate understanding, with the support from teaching staff.
Solving exercises
Solutions are worked on by practising routines, applying formulas and algorithms, and procedures are followed for transforming the available information and interpreting the results.
Case studies
Real or hypothetical situations are presented in which the students, in a completely participatory and practical way, examine the situation, consider the various hypotheses and share their own conclusions.
Success stories
Outstanding business knowledge and experiences with high added value acquired during an outstanding professional career are presented and shared.
Students are given technical support in the preparation of the final project, according to their specialisation and the subject matter of the project.
Assessment criteria
At least 80% attendance of teaching hours is required.
Level of participation
The student's active contribution to the various activities offered by the teaching team is assessed.
Solving exercises, questionnaires or exams
Individual tests aimed at assessing the degree of learning and the acquisition of competences.
Work out projects
Studies on a specific topic, by individuals or groups, in which the quality and depth of the work is assessed, among other factors.
Completion and presentation of the final project
Individual or group projects in which the contents taught in the programme are applied. The project can be based on real cases and include the identification of a problem, the design of the solution, its implementation or a business plan. The project will be presented and defended in public.
Work placements & employment service
Students can access job offers in their field of specialisation on the My_Tech_Space virtual campus. Applications made from this site will be treated confidentially. Hundreds of offers of the UPC School of Professional & Executive Development employment service appear annually. The offers range from formal contracts to work placement agreements.
Virtual campus
The students on this postgraduate course will have access to the My_ Tech_Space virtual campus - an effective platform for work and communication between the course's students, lecturers, directors and coordinators. My_Tech_Space provides the documentation for each training session before it starts, and enables students to work as a team, consult lecturers, check notes, etc.

Teaching team

Teaching staff
  • Pegueroles Vallés, Josep
    View profile in futur.upc / View profile in Linkedin
    PhD in Telecommunications Engineering (UPC). Currently, he teaches at ETSETB, where he is full professor of the Telematics Engineering department. He develops his research within the framework of the Information Security Group: security protocols in communications networks, digital forensic analysis and response to cyber security incidents. Specialization by COIT and in IT expert. Principal Investigator of various technological transfer and research projects at the national and international level.
  • Renom Vilaró, Albert
    View profile in Linkedin

    Computer Engineer from the Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona (FIB). He has been working as a Project Manager for the inLab Fib, where he has been involved since 2009, but has been working at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) since 1997. His role, within the inLab, is mainly that of Scrum Master . He has participated in different R & D & I projects with public and private entities related in the fields of statistics, collaborative environments, web development, mobile applications, geographic information systems (GIS) and most recently Intel Artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing. Since 2018 he has been an associate professor in the Department of Services and Information Systems Engineering (ESSI), where he teaches the subject of Software Project Management.

Associates entities

Career opportunities

  • Security manager of an IT services department.
  • Cybersecurity manager of critical infrastructures and IT service providers.
  • Compliance manager.
  • Manager of consultancy services and cybersecurity auditing in a specialized company.
  • Expert in cybercrimes (lawyers and criminologists).

Testimonials & news


Related events
From 01-07-2024 to 15-10-2024

Request information or admission

Information and guidance:
Isabel de la Fuente Larriba
(34) 93 115 57 51
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  • If you have any doubts about the postgraduate course.
  • If you want to start the registration procedure.
How to start admission
To start the enrolment process for this programme you must complete and send the form that you will find at the bottom of these lines.

Next you will receive a welcome email detailing the three steps necessary to formalize the enrolment procedure:

1. Complete and confirm your personal details.

2. Validate your curriculum vitae and attach any additional required documentation, whenever this is necessary for admission.

3. Pay €110 in concept of the registration fee for the programme. This fee will be discounted from the total enrolment fee and will only be returned when a student isn't admitted on a programme.

Once the fee has been paid and we have all your documentation, we will assess your candidacy and, if you are admitted on the course, we will send you a letter of acceptance. This document will provide you with all the necessary information to formalize the enrolment process for the programme.

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