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Start   >  Master's & postgraduate courses  >  Education  >  Continuing education course in Blockchain for Business
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This continuing education course is also part of the training track for the continuing education master's degree in Blockchain Technologies.


2nd Edition
6 ECTS (42 teaching hours)
The sessions will be live and online.
Language of instruction
Spanish / English
Notes payment of enrolment fee and 0,7% campaign
Registration open until the beginning of the course or until end of vacancies.
Start date
Start date: April of 2025
End date: May of 2025
Monday: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Wednesday: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Thursday: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Taught at
Why this continuing education course?
Discover how blockchain technologies are revolutionising both innovative and traditional sectors. Without having to use third parties or intermediaries, blockchain technologies enable data to be processed securely and transparently and allow you to define digital assets and create markets.

The UPC School offers this continuous training course in Blockchain for Business with a great practical orientation that will prepare you for leading projects and solutions in this emerging area. This training course will help you to gain an understanding of the different concepts underlying this technology and to master both the language and the processes needed to implement a blockchain solution. Taught by recognised professionals, the course includes the description of the main use cases of blockchain technologies and the opportunities they offer, as well as related legal and business aspects.

Promoted by:
  • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Departament d'Enginyeria Telematica (ENTEL)
  • To obtain a technical and strategic vision of blockchain technologies.
  • To know the main use and business cases, legal aspects, and opportunities of blockchain technologies.
Who is it for?
Professionals from different profiles of engineering, law, and economy, both from the private and public sectors, who wish to understand the fundamentals of blockchain technology in order to develop projects in this emerging area.

Training Content

List of subjects
4 ECTS 27h
Blockchain Technologies Applied to Processes and Businesses
  • Blockchain strategic decisions
  • Blockchain applications and use cases
    • Payments and micropayments.
    • Asset tokenization: fungible and non-fungible tokens.
    • Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs): utility and security tokens.
    • Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).
    • Fintech: crypto exchanges, decentralized exchanges, stable coins and the one big mesh.
    • Industry 4.0.
    • Shared economy 2.0.
    • Data markets.
    • Logistics.
    • Smart cities.
    • Banking applications.
    • Digital identity.
    • Governance.
    • Liquid democracy.
    • Mediation and conflict resolution.
    • Energy.
    • Health.
    • Automotive.
  • Business models for blockchain projects
  • Calls for projects
    • European declaration for the promotion of blockchain technologies.
  • State of the art of standardization
  • Who's who in the blockchain sector
    • Actors.
    • Alastria.
  • Legal aspects
    • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
2 ECTS 15h
El Modelo Blockchain
  • Digital currencies
    • Confidentiality, privacy, integrity, authentication, authorisation, and anonymity.
    • Digital signatures.
    • The problem of double spending.
    • Anonymous payment systems with centralised ledger.
  • Decentralisation
    • Introduction to consensus.
    • Fault-tolerant decentralised systems
    • Byzantine decentralised systems.
  • Blockchain and proof-of-work
    • Sybil attacks and proof-of-work consensus.
    • Blockchain.
    • Verifying transactions.
    • Mining pools.
    • Mining with Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs).
    • Governance and forks.
    • Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) and balances.
    • Wallets.
  • Smart contracts
    • The “Hello World” of smart contracts.
    • Queries and transactions.
    • Contracts with owners.
    • Contracts with transfer of funds.
    • Considering time in our contracts.
    • Using Metamask.
    • Gas and gasPrice.
    • Creating a simple Initial Coin Offering (ICO).
The UPC School reserves the right to modify the contents of the programme, which may vary in order to better accommodate the course objectives.
Course of continuing education certificate issued by the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya. Continuing education studies at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya are approved by the University's Governing Council on an annual basis. (See details appearing on the certificate)
Range of modules
This continuing education course is part of the training track for the continuing education master's degree in Blockchain Technologies .
The continuing education master's degree programme is organized into the following modules. If you don't wish to take the entire continuing education master's degree you can sign on one or several modules.
Continuing education master's degree:
relation Continuing education courses:

Learning methodology

The teaching methodology of the programme facilitates the student's learning and the achievement of the necessary competences.

The course sessions will be live online.

The methodology of the programme will allow students to follow the classes live online, with the same opportunity for participation as in the face-to-face sessions. These sessions will also be recorded to allow for later viewing.

The programme makes available to students a series of technical resources for the good follow-up of the live online sessions. The platform used allows students to share their desktop screen with the teaching staff in order to resolve queries, carry out group work, etc. A Telegram group will also be created for students and teachers, for responding to any questions or doubts that may arise.

The programme is designed to generate student involvement based on good planning, an appropriate pace, and close supervision throughout the programme by the academic management team and teaching staff.

Learning tools
Participatory lectures
A presentation of the conceptual foundations of the content to be taught, promoting interaction with the students to guide them in their learning of the different contents and the development of the established competences.
Practical classroom sessions
Knowledge is applied to a real or hypothetical environment, where specific aspects are identified and worked on to facilitate understanding, with the support from teaching staff.
Case studies
Real or hypothetical situations are presented in which the students, in a completely participatory and practical way, examine the situation, consider the various hypotheses and share their own conclusions.
Assessment criteria
At least 80% attendance of teaching hours is required.
Level of participation
The student's active contribution to the various activities offered by the teaching team is assessed.
Work out projects
Studies on a specific topic, by individuals or groups, in which the quality and depth of the work is assessed, among other factors.
Work placements & employment service
Students can access job offers in their field of specialisation on the My_Tech_Space virtual campus. Applications made from this site will be treated confidentially. Hundreds of offers of the UPC School of Professional & Executive Development employment service appear annually. The offers range from formal contracts to work placement agreements.
Virtual campus
The students on this continuing education course will have access to the My_ Tech_Space virtual campus - an effective platform for work and communication between the course's students, lecturers, directors and coordinators. My_Tech_Space provides the documentation for each training session before it starts, and enables students to work as a team, consult lecturers, check notes, etc.

Teaching team

Academic management
  • Muñoz Tapia, Jose Luis
    Muñoz Tapia, Jose Luis
    View profile in futur.upc / View profile in Linkedin
    PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) and professor in the Department of Telematics Engineering at the UPC. His research work is focused on the field of network security, cryptography and the development of secure applications. In this area, he is co-author of dozens of articles in journals and conferences.
Teaching staff
  • Massanet, Adrià

    BCompSc with over 20 years experience within the areas of security, cryptography and digital identity software development. He has developed software and solutions from coding low-level drivers to designing requirements for building security software and operations for trustee systems as also reviewing designs and implementations for threat mitigation. Now focused on Ethereum and decentralized systems.
  • Muñoz Tapia, Jose Luis
    View profile in futur.upc / View profile in Linkedin
    PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) and professor in the Department of Telematics Engineering at the UPC. His research work is focused on the field of network security, cryptography and the development of secure applications. In this area, he is co-author of dozens of articles in journals and conferences.

Associates entities

Collaborating partners

Career opportunities

  • Blockchain consultant.
  • Blockchain solutions designer.
  • Blockchain project and innovation manager.

Request information or admission

Information and guidance:
Isabel de la Fuente Larriba
(34) 93 115 57 51
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  • If you have any doubts about the continuing education course.
  • If you want to start the registration procedure.
How to start admission
To start the enrolment process for this programme you must complete and send the form that you will find at the bottom of these lines.

Next you will receive a welcome email detailing the three steps necessary to formalize the enrolment procedure:

1. Complete and confirm your personal details.

2. Validate your curriculum vitae and attach any additional required documentation, whenever this is necessary for admission.

3. Pay €110 in concept of the registration fee for the programme. This fee will be discounted from the total enrolment fee and will only be returned when a student isn't admitted on a programme.

Once the fee has been paid and we have all your documentation, we will assess your candidacy and, if you are admitted on the course, we will send you a letter of acceptance. This document will provide you with all the necessary information to formalize the enrolment process for the programme.

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