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Start   >  Master's & postgraduate courses  >  Education  >  Continuing education master's degree in Shipping Business
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25th Edition
60 ECTS (445 teaching hours)
Language of instruction
Special conditions on payment of enrolment fee and 0,7% campaign
Take advantage of the special enrollment conditions in this admission round! Complete your enrollment by September 27. Ask your Program Advisor!.
Start date
Classes start: 18/10/2024
Classes end: 08/11/2025
Programme ends : 19/12/2025
Friday: 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Taught at
Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona (FNB)
Pla de Palau, 18
Why this continuing education master's degree?

Since its beginnings, shipping has been a global means of transport and one of the engines of global economic development, as 90% of the goods that are moved and traded around the world do so by sea, in addition to many of the raw and manufactured materials which can only be carried easily in this manner.

The shipping business is very important as a sector generating employment. This is due to the various areas involved - foreign trade, imports, insurance companies, brokers and customs agents, law firms, the logistics industry, shipping companies and ports, which is represented most strongly in shipping.

Spain, with its 7,880 kilometres of coastline, strategic geographical position and its status as a gateway to the EU, should enhance its maritime activity. To do so, it requires excellent professionals and managers with  a strongly international vocation.

The Master in Shipping Business aims to be a unique and exclusive product, and a benchmark for all professionals wanting to further their career in the fields of maritime business and law and port management. To achieve this, the course includes the participation of prestigious professionals from the maritime sector who will pass on their experiences to the students, leading schools in this field (the European School of Short Sea Shipping), technical visits to companies and institutions and a study trip to London, the world headquarters of the shipping business. The quality of the programme's content, the excellence of the teaching staff and the complementary activities will enable participants to have direct and privileged contact with the real situation in the sector.


To provide participants with a legal specialisation in the area of maritime law, complemented by training on the shipping and port business for professionals working within the shipping sector or wishing to start doing so.

Who is it for?

The programme is aimed at professionals with over 2 years of experience in the port-maritime sector who wish to enhance their professional profile.

The master's degree is also aimed at graduates and final year students in various areas:

  • Shipping - Marine - Port: Naval Engineers, Naval Technical Engineers. Graduates in Shipping and Maritime Transport Nautical and in Naval Machinery. Holders of a degree in Maritime Navigation and Naval Machinery.
  • Law and Economics: Graduates in Law, Business Administration and Management, Economics, Business, etc.
  • Engineering or technical/scientific degrees: Civil Engineer. Engineers in other specialist fields.

Training Content

List of subjects
4 ECTS 32h
Introduction to Maritime Law
  • Public Law of Shipping and Port Law
    • Sources and types of maritime law.
    • Maritime law applied to shipping.
    • Administrative management of shipping.
    • Port law: administration, services and prices.
  • Maritime Procedures
    • Judicial jurisdiction.
    • Preventive lien of ships.
    • Execution on the ship and voluntary jurisdiction.
    • Maritime arbitration.
8 ECTS 62h
Vehicles and Shipping Subjects
  • Subjects of Shipping
    • Owners, co-owners and shipping agents.
    • Ship managers.
    • Crew on board: captain, officers and crew.
    • Maritime labour relations.
    • Partners of shipping on shore.
  • The Legal Status of the Ship
    • Concept, nature and types of purchase.
    • Registration and flagging of ships.
    • Private legal.
    • Registration publicity.
    • Shipbuilding contract.
    • Contract for the sale of the vessel.
    • Ship mortgage.
    • Maritime liens.
  • Port Technology and Maritime Operations
    • Ship theory.
    • Shipping nomenclature.
    • Classification of ships according to service.
    • Shipping documents.
    • The shipbuilding processes.
    • Classification societies.
    • Navigation.
    • Repairs and maintenance.
    • Transformations.
    • Inspections and surveys (ship and cargo).
6 ECTS 48h
Shipping Accidents
  • Safety of Shipping and Protection of the Sea Bed
    • Specific IMO Convention and the European Union regulations.
    • Safety of the ship: Shipbuilding design, construction, structure and equipment.
  • Shipping Accidents and Limitation of Liability
    • Introduction, classification and sources.
    • Collision.
    • Salvage.
    • General average.
    • Liability for maritime pollution.
    • Limitation of liability.
6 ECTS 48h
Maritime Insurance
  • Maritime Insurance Law
  • Introduction, applicable sources and general conditions.
  • Formal and personal contract elements.
  • Real elements: insurable interests.
  • Obligations of insured parties.
  • Risks insured in the coverage of hulls.
  • Risks insured in coverage of goods.
  • Special coverage.
  • Settlement of compensation: corrective actions.
  • Protection and indemnity clubs.
  • Coverage of liability of shipping agents and charterers.
  • Maritime Insurance
  • Introduction to maritime insurance.
  • Technical branches.
  • Hull insurance.
  • Insurance of goods.
  • Management of accidents in transport insurance.
  • Protection and indemnity clubs.
  • Transport reinsurance.
8 ECTS 62h
Ship Operating
  • Ship Operating Contract and Ancillary Contracts
    • Introduction, classification and sources.
    • Ship Lease Contract.
    • Time charter contract.
    • Voyage charter contract.
    • Shipping contract under the bill of lading system.
    • Passenger transport contract.
    • Towage contracts.
    • Multimodal transport contract.
    • Piloting contract.
    • Loading and unloading contract.
  • Commercial Operation of the Ship. Charterings
    • Companies in the shipping business.
    • The shipping company, shipping agent and freight forwarding company.
    • The shipping broker.
    • Capital costs.
    • Fixed costs.
    • Variable costs.
    • Total costs.
    • Liner shipping costs: scale account.
    • Transport under the c/e system.
    • Time charter.
    • Negotiating the charter.
    • Voyage charter.
    • Lay and demurrage periods.
    • Bareboat charter.
    • Alternative types of charter.
    • Income versus expenditure.
    • Vetting.
    • The freight markets.
    • Freight equivalence.
    • Bunker.
10 ECTS 78h
Shipping Business
  • Maritime Policy
    • Introduction to maritime policy.
    • International maritime policy.
    • EU maritime policy.
    • Open registries.
    • Cabotage and short sea shipping
  • Maritime Economics
    • Balance sheet and profit and loss account.
    • Introduction to economics.
    • Accounting and the General Accounting Plan.
    • Financial mathematics.
    • Loans and repayment.
    • Fixed assets and depreciation.
    • Basic financing.
    • Ship financing.
    • Current assets.
    • Analysis of balances.
    • Ratios.
    • Financial statements of shipping companies.
    • Investment analysis.
    • Business valuation.
    • Suspension of payments and bankruptcy.
    • Macroeconomics.
    • Spanish fiscal system.
    • Application to the maritime sector.
  • Sports Marina
    • Introduction to pleasure craft.
    • Sports harbours.
    • Registration and flagging.
    • Insurance contracts for pleasure craft.
    • Operating contracts for pleasure craft.
10 ECTS 100h
International Transport
  • Traffic analysis
    • Liner shipping versus tramp line: liner shipping and the freight conference.
    • Traffic of oil and petroleum products and chemicals.
    • Container transport.
    • Passenger transport.
    • Cruise traffic.
    • Transport of gases.
    • Transportation of dry bulk goods.
    • Various maritime transports.
  • International Goods Transport
    • Introduction to international trade.
    • Terms of delivery.
    • Incoterms.
    • International methods of collection and payment.
    • Uniform law of international trade.
    • Multimodal transport.
    • Loading and unloading operations.
    • Goods transport by road.
    • The role of customs in transport.
    • Intermodality and advanced efficient logistics.
    • Port intermodality.
    • Establishing a logistics network.

Students on the master's degree course will participate in a course-cruise on maritime logistics organized by the School of Short Sea Shipping lasting four days, on board one of the cruise-ferry ships operated by the company Grimaldi on the Barcelona-Rome route.

The course includes lectures, practical workshops on board the ship (visits to the various operating parts of a ship: loading and stowage of cargo, bridge, engine room, etc.), and teamwork to solve a case and a visit to the ports of Barcelona and Civittavecchia.

8 ECTS 15h
Master's Degree Final Project
The UPC School reserves the right to modify the contents of the programme, which may vary in order to better accommodate the course objectives.
Continuing education master's degree in Shipping Business, issued by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Issued by virtue of the provisions of art. 7.1 of Organic Law 2/2023 of 22 March, concerning the University System, and art. 36 of Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September, which establishes the organisation of university education and the procedure for ensuring its quality. A prior official university qualification is necessary to obtain it. Otherwise, the student will receive a certificate of completion of the programme issued by the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya. Lifelong learning studies at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya are approved by the University's Governing Council on an annual basis. (See details appearing on the certificate).

Learning methodology

The teaching methodology of the programme facilitates the student's learning and the achievement of the necessary competences.

Learning tools
Participatory lectures
A presentation of the conceptual foundations of the content to be taught, promoting interaction with the students to guide them in their learning of the different contents and the development of the established competences.
Solving exercises
Solutions are worked on by practising routines, applying formulas and algorithms, and procedures are followed for transforming the available information and interpreting the results.
Success stories
Outstanding business knowledge and experiences with high added value acquired during an outstanding professional career are presented and shared.
These visits are to specialist centres, companies in the sector or outstanding and important locations in the sector, in order to obtain knowledge in situ of development, production and demonstration environments within the programme.
Students are given technical support in the preparation of the final project, according to their specialisation and the subject matter of the project.
Students are supported when undertaking group work, including theoretical sessions which provide the tools and knowledge needed to achieve a result. Ideas and results are exchanged between all the participating groups.
Assessment criteria
At least 80% attendance of teaching hours is required.
Level of participation
The student's active contribution to the various activities offered by the teaching team is assessed.
Solving exercises, questionnaires or exams
Individual tests aimed at assessing the degree of learning and the acquisition of competences.
Completion and presentation of the final project
Individual or group projects in which the contents taught in the programme are applied. The project can be based on real cases and include the identification of a problem, the design of the solution, its implementation or a business plan. The project will be presented and defended in public.
Work placements & employment service
Students can access job offers in their field of specialisation on the My_Tech_Space virtual campus. Applications made from this site will be treated confidentially. Hundreds of offers of the UPC School of Professional & Executive Development employment service appear annually. The offers range from formal contracts to work placement agreements.
Virtual campus
The students on this continuing education master's degree will have access to the My_ Tech_Space virtual campus - an effective platform for work and communication between the course's students, lecturers, directors and coordinators. My_Tech_Space provides the documentation for each training session before it starts, and enables students to work as a team, consult lecturers, check notes, etc.

Teaching team

Academic management
  • de Melo Rodríguez, Germán
    View profile in futur.upc
    PhD in Civil Navy from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Chief Engineer Officer of the Merchant Navy, Marine Engineer Officer. Master's Degree in Shipping Business and Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention. Professor at the Barcelona Nautical Faculty of the UPC. Vice-president of the Spanish Merchant Navy Officers' Association, consultant to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and member of the Plenary of the National Commission for Maritime Incidents and Accidents. He has more than 30 years of experience in university training, research projects, navigation, construction, inspection and maintenance of merchant ships.
Teaching staff
  • Álvarez Arroyo, Soledad

    Ex-Head of Chartering at CEPSA.
  • Aragunde Miguens, Jordi

    Currently, as Head Foreman at Port of Barcelona. Representative of the Spanish union Coordinator, from 2006 to 2015. Coordinator of Catalonian and Balearic Islands Area for Coordinator, from 2006 to 2014. Advisor of the Port of Barcelona as a representative of Catalonian Government, from 2010 to 2014. Member of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in the Ports Sector on behalf of IDC. General Coordinator of the International Dockers Council (IDC), from 2014 to 2019. Since 2020 International Coordinator of IDC and ILA Work. Professor of the Master in Maritime Negotiation at the Tecnocampus Mataró.
  • Barbadillo Eizaguirre, Jesús

    Counsel and head of Transport & Shipping (Litigation and Arbitration practice) at Garrigues Walker & Associats Legal Practice.
  • Candomeque Echave-Sustaeta, Andrés Javier

    Lawyer Degree from Universitat de Barcelona. Lawyer at Proa Legal Lawyer's Office.
  • de Melo Rodríguez, Germán
    View profile in futur.upc
    PhD in Civil Navy from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Chief Engineer Officer of the Merchant Navy, Marine Engineer Officer. Master's Degree in Shipping Business and Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention. Professor at the Barcelona Nautical Faculty of the UPC. Vice-president of the Spanish Merchant Navy Officers' Association, consultant to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and member of the Plenary of the National Commission for Maritime Incidents and Accidents. He has more than 30 years of experience in university training, research projects, navigation, construction, inspection and maintenance of merchant ships.
  • Galobart Regas, Isidro

    Lawyer Degree from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Professor at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB).
  • Pachá Vicente, Esteban
    View profile in Linkedin
    PhD in Nautical Science and Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia. Official of the Cuerpo Facultativo de Marina Civil. Transport attaché at the Spanish Embassy in London, previously having worked as the general director of the International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) and representative of Spain to the International Maritime Organization (OMI). He has been a governor of the World Maritime University and ambassador for Science of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. Member of the Nautical Institute (FNI) and of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology.
  • Pendón Meléndez, Miguel Angel

    PhD in Law. Professor at University of Cadiz.
  • Pozo Tamarit, Jordi

    Senior Marine Underwriter RSA Spain.
  • Sierra Noguero, Eliseo
    View profile in Linkedin
    Professor of Commercial Law. PhD in Law. Extraordinary promotion award. "Mario Jacchia" award. Author of numerous books and articles on commercial law and maritime law published in national and international journals. He has served as a lawyer and substitute judge.
  • Veras Sepúlveda, Luis Armando
    View profile in Linkedin
    Master's Degree in Maritime Law and Business and Port Management (Shipping Business) from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Master's Degree in Economics and Business from the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Law Degree from the Universidad Iberoamericana (Santo Domingo de Guzmán). Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (London). Member of the Baltic Exchange (London). Broker of merchant ships and maritime charters.

Associates entities

Strategic partners
  • Autoritat Portuària de Barcelona
    • Provides financial aid to the programme or grants for the registration of students.
    • Disseminates the programme in the professional sphere and area of expertise.
  • Ports de la Generalitat
    • Provides financial aid to the programme or grants for the registration of students.
Collaborating partners

Career opportunities

  • Ship broker.
  • Maritime consultants.
  • Port operators.
  • Port logistics managers.
  • Maritime surveyors.
  • Technicians in law, maritime business and port management.

Request information or admission

Information and guidance:
Olga Garrán González
(34) 93 112 08 67
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  • If you have any doubts about the continuing education master's degree.
  • If you want to start the registration procedure.
How to start admission
To start the enrolment process for this programme you must complete and send the form that you will find at the bottom of these lines.

Next you will receive a welcome email detailing the three steps necessary to formalize the enrolment procedure:

1. Complete and confirm your personal details.

2. Validate your curriculum vitae and attach any additional required documentation, whenever this is necessary for admission.

3. Pay €110 in concept of the registration fee for the programme. This fee will be discounted from the total enrolment fee and will only be returned when a student isn't admitted on a programme.

Once the fee has been paid and we have all your documentation, we will assess your candidacy and, if you are admitted on the course, we will send you a letter of acceptance. This document will provide you with all the necessary information to formalize the enrolment process for the programme.

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